Thursday, April 29, 2010

I wrote a song!

So I wrote my very first song today! It's kinda lame, not very creative, but still it's a start. Maybe next time I'll do a little better. Anyway I thought I would post the lyrics for now. Maybe I'll make a video of me singing it with piano soon (even though I'm a terrible singer). For now:

Verse I: I remember a day
When all was young
I remember a time
When you, to me, sung.

I remember a hill
That grew tall in time.
I remember a cliff
That you let me climb.

Don't let go.

Verse II: I remember the truth
That you taught to me.
I remember the lie
That you let me see.

I remember the heart
That was broke that night.
I remember the soul
That was hurt in the fight.

Don't let go.

Verse III: I remember the pain
When it caught on fire.
I remember the hurt
When I lost desire.

I remember the burn
When my heart turned to dust.
I remember the ache
When pride turned to lust.

Don't let go.

Verse I: I remember a day
When all was young
I remember a time
When you, to me, sung.

I remember a hill
That grew tall in time.
I remember a cliff
That you let me climb.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Awesome night pictures

So I tried taking a few night shots of this tree, and although I couldn't get it to look like it did in real life, I still really like how it turned out. Here are the three that I took: