Monday, September 7, 2009


So I just got back from seeing perhaps one of the most incredible movies I've ever seen. Definitely in my top 5. The name of the movie is "Adam." It's about this 29-year-old with asperger's syndrome, which is basically just an extreme form of autism. People with asperger's have trouble in social situations, have very little ability to read body language, meaning they can almost never guess what another person is feeling or thinking emotionally.

Anyways, in this movie, Jason, the guy with aspergers syndrome meets a young woman who has just moved into his apartment building. Keep in mind, this is just after Jason's father died, so he is trying to learn how to survive basically on his own, except for the help of one of his dad's old war buddies. Pretty soon, the young woman makes friends with Jason, and eventually they form a very unique relationship, turning the movie basically into a love story.

So ok, ya, it was a chick-flick. But I think a lot of guys would really enjoy this movie, just because a lot of it focuses not only just on the relationship, but just in general the life of this man who has asperger's. I found this extremely interesting to learn about and watch. There were parts where it became so sad I came close to crying, which is really rare for me in movies (the only three movies that have made me truly cry cry before are The Last Samurai, LOTR, and Marley and Me). It was such a powerful film, and I'll probably end up buying it when it comes out on dvd, just so I can watch it a couple more times and show it to everyone i know lol. Well, anyways, if you get the chance to see it, I definitely give it 5 stars and an A+, so GO SEE IT! haha


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