Sunday, October 4, 2009

Interesting thought...

So during Youth Symphony rehearsal today, our conductor said something that really made me think:

There is no such thing as playing out of tune, only playing wrong notes.

Let me explain: all pitch is just frequencies traveling through the air, vibrating our ear drums at certain speeds creating the sensation of hearing a note (at least to my understand that's how it works lol). Therefore, each "note" has an exact frequency, double therefore when you are not playing on the exact frequency of the note you are wanting to play, you are not playing that note, triple therefore you are playing the wrong note. He went on to say that most musicians don't accept playing the wrong notes, but they will accept playing out of tune, but in reality there is no difference. So his conclusion was that we should never accept playing out of tune, because then we would be accepting playing the wrong notes and that's just wrong. lol


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