Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Fate of Kingdoms

The kingdoms come to share their fate
To make a stand and strike the slate.
The hate and wrath of evil come against them.
In full strength the kingdoms gather
In the valley of their fathers -
Or brothers, rather,
They are the same blood, the same life,
And together, now, they fight.
Among the trees they taste their final breaths of air
For soon they take a burden they cannot bare.
The wretched sound of screams
Tonight will haunt their dreams.
On the morrow they will face
The enemy; on horseback they will chase.
Then they remember their kingdom's time
Their wealth, their fiefs, their lives sublime.
Was it so long ago they themselves took place
Among this realm of bloss'ming roses?
So many years of peace.
So many years released.
So let them fight to guard their land!
Let them take one final stand.
In this valley, they'll share their fate.
The enemy is at the gate.


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