Saturday, February 6, 2010

If I Only Knew

The answers are never simple
The right is sometimes wrong
And the wrong is sometimes right.
Or is it?
If only I knew.
The world is so crumpled.
So many signs and songs.
Should I run or walk or leap or fly?
I don't know.
If only I knew.

All layers of earth are mixed
Reality is nothing more than blur.
I try to read the map; to find North.
South, East, West...
If only I knew.
We try to get it right, get it fixed
Put it in the pot and let it stir.
So on and so on and so forth.
It's a test
If only I knew.

Then fate comes knockin' on the door.
"Where are you?" it says to me.
I don't answer. I don't want to.
It's too hard.
If only I knew.
Every day it gets me at my very core
I want to know it all. I want to see
I need to put it all together.
Where's the glue?
If only I knew...
If only I knew...
If only I knew...


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