Thursday, February 11, 2010

Where Horses Roam

In mists of sounds and smells I sit alone
Perhaps alone, at least.
Though still I hear the distant, whisp'ring drone
The silence is increased.

I touch the grass, allowing every blade
To crease beneath my hand.
This place the universe shall not invade;
It is my home - my land.

I watch the horses running wild and free,
So jealous of their lore.
They understand so much that I can't see
And live without all wars.

I heed the people living here, and wait
For them to speak their piece.
For wisdom always comes from their estate
And I have need for ease.

So much as happened here in decades past -
So many have been found.
This land is great - will never be surpassed -
Its blessings are so sound.

This is the place where horses dance and roam,
Where peace is spoken,
Where many creatures live and call their home,
Where hearts are ne'er broken.


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