Saturday, September 5, 2009

MAHLER 2!!! :D

So over the summer, my awesome brother set up an awesome stereo system which can play all of my awesome music awesomely loud! For example, one of my favorite things to do right now is listen to the last 15 min. of Mahler Symphony No. 2 with my epic new stereo system on what is actually a pretty low sound level but, because of the awesomeness of my speakers, is incredibly overwhelming sound-wise!

Allow me to further explain the awesomeness of said speakers. 2 panasonics (very nice panasonics) acting as main speakers. Besides those are Revlar speakers acting as an extra surround-sound-type umph to the sounds. Ending result: awesome.

Have I said how awesome it is??!

Oh and on top of all that, he has these stereos hooked up to my five-disc-holder cd player, tape player, my record player, and a hook-up for my ipod. So I can listen to just about any recording on the planet I can get my hands on in the highest-quality listening situation possible. It's truly hard to express in words how happy this makes me. :D oh and I forgot to mention that it all comes with a remote control, so i can be reading in my king-size bed and decide I want it louder or softer or I want to listen to a different cd and just click a button and it happens!!! hehe I'm so happy happy happy! I love my room.

Yes, I am spoiled. But I mean, I'm the youngest brother of three guys. I lived with the smallest room, the smallest bed, all that all my life until now. I think deserve to be able to live it up at least a little bit. lol (not to sound selfish or anything)

Next step, plasma screen with xbox 360.


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