Thursday, September 10, 2009


So I'm starting to get back into writing poetry. Not really sure why, but I am lol. I used to write quite a bit...I think I had a collection of about 40 poems from 6 months of writing them. And I know that's not all that impressive, but I was like, 12, and had never written a poem before, so give me a break. :P

Anyways, in those 6 months I learned a ton about poetry, and practically memorized the section on poetry in the book Writers Inc. (which is a really good book if you want to learn about writing, btw). Actually, not too long after that I made an hour-long presentation all about poetry for my freshman english class, and loved it! That's actually one of my fondest memories from freshman year. haha

But after that I basically didn't really pay attention to poetry for a really long time. Until now, that is. All of a sudden, I've started writing again! So hopefully I'll post a couple things soon.

Oh, and yay for rhyming dictionaries! they may be cheating, but cheating gets it faster sometimes lol :P (that's a quote from a Jimmy Eat World song fyi)


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